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Abhijeet Deshpande, Ph.D.

ASCE Student Chapter Advisor


Abhijeet Deshpande is an Assistant Professor Educator in the CAECM Department. He is an UC alum. He earned his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering (Concentration: Construction Engineering and Management) from UC in 2009. After a five year stint at Auburn University, he is excited to be back, teaching at his Alma Mater.  If you want to participate in any of the fun and interesting ASCE activities, you can stop by his office located at 795 Rhodes Hall, email him, or call him at 556-5230.




Julie Cromwell, P.E.

ASCE Practitioner Advisor


Julie (Pack) Cromwell is the founder and CEO of Julie Cromwell and Associates, LLC, a structural engineering consulting firm headquartered in Cincinnati, OH.  She graduated from UC with a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering and a Master of Science in Structural Engineering.  Julie’s passion for ASCE began at UC when she was an officer for the Student Chapter and avid concrete canoe and steel bridge participant.  She carried that passion into her professional career and is Past President (2004) and current board member of the Cincinnati Section of ASCE.  Julie is also an adjunct faculty member at UC and member of the CAECM Advisory Board.  Being part of ASCE helped her career growth and she wants to help current students as they begin their careers.  Please feel free to call Julie at 513.218.6103.



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